The NPB application supports token-based authentication, where a user provides credentials in the form of a username and password and receives a generated token that facilitates authentication for future access.
Authorization: <type>
, where the authorization type is Bearer followed by
your JWT access token credentials, similar to the following example.
headers: { Authorization: "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzd......G8p-_cD0" }
The authenticate request/response includes a long-lived refresh token, which can be used to get a new access-token when the previous access-token expires, as shown in the following code snippet.
service Auth { rpc Authenticate (AuthenticateRequest) returns (AuthenticateResponse); rpc GetAccessToken (RefreshToken) returns (AccessToken); }
For more information about implementing JWT token-based authentication, see the Extreme 9920 Software YANG Reference, .